Wednesday, July 31, 2013

More Archive-ing...

If you're looking for photos of national monuments or delicious meals, skip this post.  
It's more 'Lily-In-The-Archive' shots...

Sometimes there is a wealth of information:

And sometimes some things are missing.....:

Monday, July 29, 2013

Sunday Downtown

[Ben considers keychains in the Plaza de Mayo]

[Vertical Garden at a Peruvian-Japanese Restaurant]

 [The Casa Rosada: Office of the President]

[Walking to San Telmo]

Peruvian Independence

July 28th Independence Celebrations near the Plaza de Mayo:

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Jardin Botanico

This great Botanical Garden is only a few blocks from our apartment.

[Jardin Botanico Carlos Thays]

[Main Greenhouse]

[Teaching Garden]

[Yerba Mate Plants]

[Succulents Greenhouse]


Welcome, Pilgrims!
You've found your way to milAnada, Ben and Lily's travel blog while in Argentina!

Some photos of Lily's Research from the Biblioteca Nacional:

[El Eco de Oriente, published 1935/36 in Tucuman, Argentina]

[Original Floorplans of the Hospital Sirio-Libanes, published in La Voz del Hospital, Buenos Aires, 1936]