Saturday, August 31, 2013

San Telmo

It's been a couple weeks since our last post, but here we are!

Over the last six weeks we've spent many afternoons roaming 
the San Telmo neighborhood.

On weekends, you can buy anything from a kermit the frog puppet 
to antique soda bottles in the street market that ranges 
from the Plaza de Mayo down to Plaza Dorrego.

Coin carvings...

Antique soda bottles...

Bits and pieces of leather...

Mercado San Telmo..

Colors for your kitchen...

A little street art..

New boots on old tiles..

Copper stall..


The buzz of the night market air..


..and some homeopathy.

And many, many, many cobblestones.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Arte in Palermo

 A Brief Survey of the Art in our Neighborhood 
(click on photos to enlarge...)
Over doorways.

Down alleyways.

On shops...

...houses and walls. 

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Two Days in Tigre

We decided to take a jaunt up to the Parana river delta, ~45 minutes North of Buenos Aires by train. 

We stayed at a hotel in town, which was wonderful except for the dog barking all night..

Made a visit to the extensive Puerto de Frutos market. set out on long piers into the water,

just in time for sunset. 

 The neighborhoods are all reached by water rather than roads, and the next morning we caught a 'lancha' (municipal transport boat) up river.

 We passed Domingo Faustino Sarmiento's last home, which is now hermetically encased in glass,

 townsfolk on their daily errands,
and walked around the neighborhood of Tres Bocas once we got off the boat.

Everything is on stilts.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Xul Solar and the Delta

We are planning a trip to the Parana River Delta region this weekend, to Tigre, where artist Xul Solar had a house.  You can see the river delta houses reflected in many of his pieces.
These are two prints of his work that we brought back from the Museo Xul Solar on our last trip: