Sunday, December 1, 2013

Quebrada de Humahuaca

So here we are, slowly catching up to ourselves - it has been about two months since we visited this most exquisite place in the Province of Jujuy.

From Salta we took a northbound bus for about four hours to the mountain valley known as the Quebrada de Humahuaca.  

We got off the bus in Tilcara - a town of about 5,000 people that lies about 8,000 ft. above sea level.

...Made our way at a little Hosteria that was a short walk from the bus terminal just as the sun went down..

...Caught up on some guitar playing, and laid out our map on the cactus table...

Took the first morning bus to the town of Purmamarca, about 13 km. away.

We climbed up a hill on the south side of the village,

after fortifying ourselves with some coffee a few doors down from where the bus left us.

The Hill of Seven Colors:

On foot, looping around the outskirts of the town, soaking it all in:

Before leaving the next morning, we walked to the pre-Incan ruins of Pucara, a couple miles outside of Tilcara.  

And after less than 48 hours, hit the road for the province of Tucuman.  

But already plotting our return...

1 comment:

  1. What a fantastic journey you are on. So pleased you are having so many grand experiences and soaking it all in.
